Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Weekend :)

Wow, what a packed three days.

Thursday, after our tour of medieval Bologna, we had a very interesting night. We made a ton of new friends and spent way too much time being awake. We met this group of American girls in an Irish pub who were also super sweet and then we met this group of Dutch guys upstairs in the pub. They are hilarious and very sweet as well.

Friday we had intensive Italian as usual, including our first test (although it didn't count). I think I did fairly well! Friday afternoon was spent napping (for my roomies) and watching tv for me. I know I know, I am in Italy and spent a few hours lost in tv land? Pathetic, but I was tired! So sue me. That night we went to Cafe Paris (where we are now regulars...) then on to a club called Lab 16. And guess who we encountered at Lab 16 around 1 am? The dutch boys AND the american girls! But not together. We spent a few hours dancing the night away with the boys then called it a night.

Saturday, we went off to Ferrara, which is a really cute town, very different from Bologna. It is only about 40 minutes away via train which was convenient for us because we could make it a day trip. The town, once you get towards the center, is really low key. Everyone rides bikes everywhere and there are very few cars, although we did see one red ferrari! We took pictures of course :P

The town has a really cool castle in it that we toured. The Ceilings were some of the most beautiful pieces of artwork I have ever seen. I kept taking pictures and thinking "Oh my goodness my family would love this" or "this looks like..." The tower had some incredible views and was only 122 steps to reach the top! Not too shabby. The dungeons offered an awesome perspective of what we see in movies like The Count of Monte Cristo. You realize when you are in it how incredibly hard, if not impossible, it would be to escape. AND there is a moat around the castle... haha good luck convicts.

Fashion wise the town is really different than Bologna. They actually wear colored jackets in Ferrara, tend to dress more American but classier (in general). A lot of the teenagers wear straight leg jeans or skinny jeans and hit top sneakers rather than the Bolognian boots and skinny jeans. I don't know, the styles are just different. Kind of like the difference between New York City and New Jersey. (Ish)

Oh and with the bike thing, teenagers would have two people on a bike, then there were mothers with two or three kids on a bike with them, and then there were the older people, still riding bikes! It was so cool to see that culture.

The cathedral we went into was also very very beautiful. I can't even describe how amazing it was. (Even though it was catholic :P) When I walked in a song popped into my head "Our God is an Awesome God" how appropriate.

The markets were similar to the ones in Bologna but better quality and more unique things. I bought three scarfs for 13 euro! it was great :)

Anyway, the overall trip was so worth it.
I would recommend people going there if they can.

Alla Prossimo!

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