Sunday, January 22, 2012

Via Zamboni... keep walking til you hit a zamboni

Last night was our first Saturday in Bologna. So of course everyone wanted to go out. After spending some time skyping with my parents and Renate I got ready with my roommates Jessy and Nathalie. Then we walked down Via Marsala (the road our apartment is on) until we met up with some other girls on our program. From there we headed to Via Zamboni. Yes you read that right "Zamboni" like the ice rink cleaners.

Apparently, that is the place to go for clubs and bars, which we found out before we even hit the street. You can hear the amount of people from down the road! It is insane. Once we were on the road we were amazed at the volume of Italians. From 15 and 16 year olds to 30 year old men. It was definitely an interesting site. We found out where some of our friends were and headed to Cafe Paris, a local bar. I've been told that when the University of Bologna is in session you can't move in that place. Shots are 1 euro, and the bar tenders are all attractive, which probably adds to the overall atmosphere.

A bunch of students from our program were in there and it was nice to see Gabe who had only arrived that afternoon. After spending some time in there we headed to this Irish pub that has 3 bars in it. We went downstairs and people ordered the beers of their choosing. Oh and in Italy, bars (in the American sense) are called pubs, coffee shops are called bars, and clubs just have names.

Anyway, after the Irish pub we went to a night club called Lab 16, which isn't too crowded until around 2 am... it must be a European thing because everyone goes out reallyyyy late. And that may be a problem for me because I like my sleep.

Most of our program was at the club and towards the beginning was a lot of older music then the DJ casually moved towards more modern hip hop music. So, the evolution of dance was from goofy dancing and doing the dances from the 60s and 70s to modern day dancing... you know what I mean. That's when things started to get sloppy. People were hitting on people and dancing and hookup and whatnot... so we left around 2 am because the atmosphere was getting kind of..awkward. haha

Woke up this morning, showered, and ate. Skyping with people later :) So I am going to go explore :P


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