Saturday, January 21, 2012

I think we have a problem...

So, just a little recap on my past 30ish hours travelling to Bologna...
-Took a 7 and a half hour flight from JFk to Rome...
-The flight attendants were mostly male, about 40 years old, and still indredibly beautiful.... we may have some issues... i snuck a picture of them teehee. It'll be on fb in a few minutes :p
-It wasn't a full flight so I got to steal a window seat just in front of the right wing :)
-They showed Real Steel. Which was AWESOME. watch it. love it.
-Didn't really sleep.... awkward
-When I woke up we were somewhere over France and when the skies cleared so that I could see the ground I was able to see the pastures of France and the Swiss mountains later on. It was truly beautiful. Especially the sun rise.
-Had a 5 hour layover in Rome
-everyone past the time reading, wandering the airport, and sleeping. Not me. I read, wandered, played cards, and didn't sleep... oops
-Plane ride to Bologna from Rome about 40 minutes
-I sat next to these Albanian guys. They spoke a combination of arabaic and french. They were going to Bologna to try Gelato for their business... it was an interesting conversation as none of use know Italian and they know very little English. But it was nice to try :)
-No problems picking up baggage, took a charter bus with everyone to our different apartments, and left

So, Natalie, Jessy, and I unloaded at Via Marsala where we live across from the Dickinson Center. Which is awesome by the way. We lugged our lives packed in suitcases to the third floor (which in the US is the fourth floor) and were taught how to open the door to a shared entrance. It is a pain but I think we can handle it. The apartment is super nice, considered a "quiet" room due to the neighbors, and has some incredible views. It's so European :P

Because we were all exhausted we decided to unpack and make pasta for dinner (the school provided some food for us :)). As the food was cooking we all attempted to set up our rooms and computers and everything... unfortunately my internet REFUSED to cooperate. However, after our morning meeting today at the school I was able to get into it. And now my blog post is going up! yay!

We all got lunch together after the morning meeting of logistics and can i just say that I am already love italian food? And all we had was bread, cheese, veggie, and meat platters. But everything is sooooooooooooo delicious. Oh and of course wine. I think I dislike red wine... oh well I guess I will learn.

Well the girls and I are about to go food shopping for the week or so. But I hope all is well and just wanted you all to know that I am alive :)

1 comment:

  1. i don't see where the problem is....and i think im going to comment on ever post =) oh how you must miss me already =P<3
