Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tough Love

Beware, it's about to get real, real quick.

So, if you only want the good things skip this post and head to the next one...

I warned you...

Have you ever just wanted to curl up into a little ball and escape the reality around you?
Have you ever just really wanted a certain person's hug? Whether it is a friends or parents hug?
Have you ever felt so homesick it brought you to tears?
Have you ever wished people weren't so attached to the familiar and would just break out of their comfort zones and embrace people they don't know?
Have you ever wished you could understand the people around you like you understand the people closest to you? Or better yet that they could understand you like that?
Have you ever tried to get lost in something that isn't real because facing what is real is harder?

Yeah, I have. And man is it hard, especially in a foreign country without your support system.

Welcome to my blog about homesickness everyone. It stinks. (Like that mom I refrained from using my favorite word)

Don't worry though, this experience and God's plan for me here is way bigger than a momentary spurt of weakness. I will survive!

I promise.
Pray for me. That I can trust God completely on this journey. That I can be strong and face all of the challenges of living here until June. That I learn what I was sent here to learn and grow in the ways He has planned.


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