Sunday, January 15, 2012

Skype seshhh

So currently I am skyping with three of my four girls and it makes me finally realize, only four days from departure, and I am beginning to fully comprehend the amount that I am going to miss them. Oh and the amount of things I still need to do before leaving is incredible. I bought some stuff today like converters and neck pillows and stuff. I am also kind of distracted at the minute because of the skype sesh buttt I guess I will blog again after I arrive in ITALY!!!!

Oh and the prayers that people have been offering... KEEP THEM COMING PLEASE. I appreciate all the prayer I can get.



  1. HEATHERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're leaving tonight, and I love you and I miss you already. It seriously does feel like a part of me is leaving the country, weird. I'm sure I'll feel it more between 9 and 10 tonight when you actually leave =(. Please be safe, and I will be praying for you sporadically and constantly, when I think of you and realize that you're in ITALY. remember "Jesus and gelato" =). I love you girly, and I can not wait to see what God reveals to you in Italy, and to hear about all of your adventures. Remember what Renate said, you are safe in His arms - trust Him, He has this all worked out, He is sovereign and in control of EVERYTHING, and He doesn't even break a sweat doing it, what an awesome and great God we worship, know, and love and who knows us and loves us amidst our sinfulness and brokenness. Don't hold back Heather, you were born to take on the world, and that is exactly what you are about to do. Be bold in your faith and hold on to the hope of Jesus Christ, there is freedom in Christ, so much freedom. I could literally write about Him all day, but I just wanted to leave you a note somewhere that God can bring you to when you need it most. I love you so much, and I pray that this trip will be everything you hope and even more than that. It is only when we step out in faith that He can truly bless us, so be bold and show the love of Christ to everyone you encounter, you may be the only Bible they read. Ah, now I'm just avoiding doing work - do you like how I get all sentimental then my brain starts talking? haha alright girly, I know you are going to be tired when you get there, but I love you and please just lemme know when you're safely there. I love you and I will be praying <3<3<3<3<3<3 taytay

  2. oh that doesn't even look that long, alright cool. haha not that i was worried I mean, do you expect anything less? =P
