Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Italian Archaeology Museum


Today we went to the post office at 8 am to start the process of our Permisso di soggiorno (that is totally not spelled correctly) which took about an hour. Then my roommates and I came back to our apartment and after some reading we all passed out until about 12. We had to meet at the center at 1 for a tour. Which was pretty cool. We went to the archaeology museum in Bologna right off the side of the Piazza Maggiore. We also went into the political building (the one on Piazza Maggiore). It was interesting because inside was a countdown until the new year and behind it was this massive skull... a little creepy and out of place. There will be pictures on facebook soon!

I did my italian homework and cut up fresh veggies for about 2 hours while skyping Josh and Chris :) I miss everyone so much.

Listening to Sonorha :P Oh, and weird. People in Italy listen to American music... so I don't know what their actual music sounds like yet. BUT I WANT TO KNOW SO BAD!

Alla Prossima :)


1 comment:

  1. Oops. Totally meant to say that the tour today focused on Etruscan and Roman. Although we didn't really get to see the Roman sculptures in the museum :( just a ton of Etruscan pots and steles.
