Sunday, September 29, 2013

Living the Life

Last night was probably the most fun I have had since I got back to Bologna.

It was my friend Ana's birthday (canadian girl who saved me from losing my mind) so she had a bunch of people join her for an aperitivo. Now let me just tell you how much I love the International aspect of Bologna. There were 11 of us at this meal; 1 Canadian, 1 American, 1 Italian, 1 Chilean, 1 Spanish, 2 French, 1 Georgian (as in the country not the state) 1 Macedonian, and 2 Montenegrins. THEN later we were joined by a Pakistani and met up with three Belgians. It was such a fun dinner with several languages being spoken (mainly Italian and English) and tons of cultures coming together. I loved it. After sitting around munching and sipping for a few hours we headed to a club that was opening called Qubo. We decided to ditch the line when we realized it was only gratis (free) until midnight, but it looked like they weren't opening it until then anyway. Everyone wanted to dance and whatnot but they decided to stop at Cafe Paris first (those of you who read my blog previously, that is the shot bar Dickinson students frequent because it is a euro a shot). I then decided to head to Lab16 (another frequented place) because Daniel, Willem, and Cecilia were there and I wanted to meet up with them. The birthday group was going to come later on but they decided to go somewhere else so I ended up dancing the night away with my Canadian, Dutch, and Italian classmates. We had such a blast and sat on church steps on Via Zamboni for probably an hour and a half just chatting and learning fun things to say in Dutch. Although I didn't go to sleep until almost 5 am, my BBQ was cancelled today, it's raining, and my first soccer game will probably be cancelled today as well, I wouldn't change last night. It was just so fun and European and not wild and FUN. I don't even know.

New Topic.

I have met some more people since I last really blogged (of course being in Bologna and getting involved that will happen to you). I met up with two girls from Agape (the program Matt and Ashley did when I was here last time- they let me stay with them when I was bedless two times) who will be here for the year. Alicia and Kelly are wonderful. I am pumped to have some Americans who are also believers in the city to spend time with when I need fellowship or general American style food/beverages/celebrations. Plus they love games! I am pumped to actually spend some time with these wonderful women. Their stories are spectacular and they have such a fire. After being here last time and it being so dark for me, I am so blessed to have been plugged in so quickly. God really provided :)

Anyway, I am off to have coffee with Ana and have dinner plans with Thomas, Danial, Willem, and Cecilia, then Skype with the parents and possibly hanging out with Alicia and Kelly. Not bad for a rainy day ;)

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