Sunday, September 22, 2013

Random Thoughts


Week 1 Done.

I feel like I have been here for longer than a week but it has legitimately only been 8 days. I started crash courses on Wednesday, joined a women's soccer team in Bologna, visited my host family from two years ago, and have hung out with friends old and new. I really like my professors, although one of them makes almost no sense and unfortunately he teaches economics... which I have no idea how to do. I guess I will have to figure somethings out on my own. At least my classmates and I are all in the same boat :P

I also went to Ikea and finally got a pillow, a blanket, and some hangers, PLUS I got a candle that smells like home. :) My mind is in this weird state where I can't wait to go home for Christmas because I love being home, but I don't really want to leave (which is really good because I have a few months yet). I am also excited to visit my host family in Milan either next week or the week after! On top of that I am pumped for soccer this week! Goodness this post is terrible, but I wanted to record some of this stuff... oops haha

It'll also be nice when I can visit Wouter <3

Anyway, I might add to this later but for now I guess I am going to go, I think my new roomie is supposed to arrive soon!

Ciao <3

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