Tuesday, March 6, 2012

He was so out there that they named a style after him! -Gaudi (Barcelona)

Casually popped over to Barcelona for a weekend. NBD. (for those of you less savvy with the youngin talk these days that stands for no big deal) So, Jessy, Stephen, and I took about an hour and ten minute flight to Girona airport then a bus to Barcelona. After arriving on Friday afternoon we found our hostel, which I thought was fairly nice (not that I have ever stayed in one before so my standards were fairly low). After dropping our stuff off we went out to explore. We ended up wandering Las Ramblas (the main street in Barcelona) from the Gothic district to the port. In all I think we walked up and down that street like 6 times. Anyway, we got dinner at this place called L'Olive which was really great after sitting around watching skateboarders for a while (there were a lot of them in the city, as well as roller bladers) and went to Margarita Blue a bar that was said to be pretty good. After that we called it a night because we knew Saturday was going to be a LONG day, which you will see.

9 am. Get up. Head out to find the Gothic Corner and look at some really interesting churches. Then we headed towards this Beautiful park where there were a ton of orange trees and wild parrots. It was awesome! Then we walked towards the Spanish version of the Arch di Triumph. It was made out of brick which I found really interesting. Then we headed back towards the Gaudi area of the city (with all of his houses). From there we started to mosey on over towards La Sagrada Familia (the family place as I called it before I could pronounce it) and stopped to get Paella at this place where we could see La Sagrada Familia in the distance. Very picturesque. After eating our fill (I was a champ and ate it ALL) we finally got to the church and went inside. It was the most interesting church I have ever seen. Very artsy and very different. I don't know how one would focus on the service with so many cool things to look at! After spending a decent amount of time in the church we waited outside for a while, while I tried to contact Phylecia (the girl I know in Barcelona). To kill time I took pictures of a pick up soccer game that was right below the church. SO AWESOME. I really wanted to play :(

Next, we headed over to Parc Guell. Another Gaudi creation. The park had amazing views and was really gorgeous. I think it was my favorite part of the city. We also FINALLY met up with Phylecia. From there we headed back towards the hostel, got tapas and sangria and watched the Barcelona game in a bar. They won. Mainly because the team is stacked. Then we headed to the beach to go clubbing. The clubs there are soooo cool. I could have gotten used to it :P

Anyway, I have more to write but I also have class now.... ugh.

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