Thursday, March 22, 2012

La Citta

This post is going to be a little random but I wanted to share some of my thoughts on Bologna as I have grown to know the city.

1. Bologna is a city. There isn't really any grass, or trees, or nature of any sort unless you cross the Viale (the big road that circles the city center). Being the nature loving girl that I am, I often feel more melancholy even on beautiful days. So how do I correct this disconnect between country girl and the city? I run around the city looking for green things and I attempt to find parks... haha that was an utter fail. I apparently took the wrong buses (Although I SWEAR i followed the online directions exactly) and ended up in a pseudo Chinatown outside Bologna... but I found a little park... kind of. Oh well next time hopefully I find the actual park I was looking for.

2. Bologna is not the cleanest of cities and there are a ton of dogs. Which means doggy poopies all over the place. You have to watch where you walk... and the air is kind of thick with cigarette smoke and city-like smells. However, early morning or later in the evening it clears up considerably. And there are hidden treasures all over the city. So, don't get me wrong, it isn't all yucky, there are a lot of beautiful things too.

3. Being a city, Bologna has a ton of homeless people. I walk by at least four a day, the same four people. Some days I just can't take it. They have signs that say "Ho fame" among other things that means "I am hungry". I try not to give money to them because you never know what they will do with it (alcohol, drugs, etc.) instead of using it for food. There are also a ton of street musicians. I can't walk by without giving them whatever change is in my pocket because they are just so talented! Many play accordion (which gives the most beautiful echo to the Portici (the covered walkways) throughout the city and makes Italy feel more fantastical) but some play guitar or violin or trumpet. There are even some guys who play those multi-instruments. Anyway, like I was saying about the homeless that have signs asking for food or money, on Monday I couldn't handle it. There are two main guys I always see. One on Via dell'independenza and one that is literally outside of my apartment. The one on independenza has a pokemon backpack and he is in the same spot everyday. He sleeps there on the step. Having him in my mind and walking by the man outside my apartment literally everyday, I must have been in some strange emotional state that I went to the store, bought bread, salami, cheese, water, clementine/orange things, apples, and granola bars and headed home to make them food. I made each guy 2 sandwiches, gave them a large water, an apple, 3 oranges, and a granola bar. I put the food in bags and walked around finding them to give them food. And when I was walking I past another homeless woman with a puppy. SO, I went back to my apartment and made another food package and took it to her. These people were so incredibly grateful. The look in their eyes and the way they said thank you you are so kind made me want to cry. I prayed so hard for them as I walked around.

Quick side story about what occurred when I handed the food out. I went to go buy the food (I had wanted to do this for a while and finally realized that 10 euro could feed several people dinner and I eat too much so I should get off my butt and do it) and when I was walking back the man outside my apartment was there. He looked up and smiled saying "Ciao bella". He is so sweet. I wanted to cry. So I ran upstairs, made the food and went back down but he was gone. Strange. And sad! So I prayed a quick little prayer for God to help me find the man and I walked down a side street towards where the other man sits when I looked down another side street to see the man. He had a beer bottle in his hand. My heart sank but I walked towards him anyway. We made eye contact, he offered his usual salutation, and I offered him the food. What really made me sad though was that I thought I saw a needle in his hand. Now I could be wrong. It was a momentary glance, but either way it made me sad. So I turned and walked away after he repeatedly said thank you and headed towards the other man. (Who was slightly further away) When I walked up to him he had his head down and I said excuse me and offered him the same food package. His face lit up so much and he smiled. He also said thank you so much you are very kind. As I headed back to my apartment (after doubling around to watch the man open the first sandwich and take a few bites- I only made sure he ate because I wanted to see if what I was doing was okay) I saw the homeless woman with the puppy so I made another package of food. BUT when I walked by where the man outside my apartment usually sits and he was back there eating :) I was thrilled. But wait it gets better. After making the food for the woman, I walked back the way I had gone when I found the guy with alcohol and the glass bottle was lying on the ground half full. He left it, ah! I don't know why that makes me happy but it did. Anyway, I found the woman and puppy and asked if she was hungry (she didn't have a sign) when she said yes I gave her the food and she also thanked me. The puppy looked so excited. I almost went and bought dog food so they wouldn't have to share!

I was in such a strange place after that hour and a half. I just kept walking around the city killing time before I had to go sing at this Memorial for a Professor who had been shot a few years ago (he had taught at Dickinson). I was so emotionally filled. If that makes sense. Like my heart was broken for those people and I wanted to cry for their struggles. I realized how much I really have when 10 euro can feed three people and still leave food left over.

4. to be continued... reliving the homeless people thing just made me loose my complaining streak...

ciao ragazzi

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