Wednesday, February 29, 2012

People I have met. Long overdue.

I realized that I have not really mentioned the people I have met while I've been in Bologna, and that is sad because I have met so many interesting people. Some have been kind of sketchy, while others have become pretty good friends. I am going to list them as best as I can and write a little something about them, how we met, or a story surrounding them. Here goes nothing...

1. Marcello Sav: okay, I am starting with him, A. because he was the first Italian I met and B. because so many awkward, funny, sketchy stories surround him. Forgive me for not saying what I really think about him, because that would not be appropriate to post on the internet. Okay, so within the first week of being in Bologna, Jessy and I were walking down Independenza (one of the main roads by our apartment) when some guy grabs my arm from behind. Guess who? Marcello! Anyway, he starts rapid firing questions at me like "what's your name?" "where are you from?" "Do you like animals? I don't" "What's your favorite color? Mine is red because it is the color of passion." Things like that. He also made comments such as "You are very beautiful" and "You are very tall" while I am standing next to Jessy who is at least two inches taller than me. Awkward. Anyway, he completely ignores Jessy the entire time, even when she said something he ignored her. Yeah, kind of a jerk. But wait it gets better. He then gives me his "Spanish" name Marcello, S.A.V. and tells me to add him on facebook. Yeah, so he makes me repeat his name back to him several times. At this point I really just wanted him to go away. Then he finally leaves. So, after a few days I say, "what the heck" and I add him on facebook. Then he decides to message me repeatedly about getting together. NO THANKS. Ok so he gets the hint and leaves me alone. THEN, yeah it gets better, Jessy and I are at Lab 16 meeting up with the Dutch guys we met (who shall be explained later) when he goes up to her and uses the same exact lines on her! Long story short, they end up meeting up almost everyday for the next week, during the day of course, and get coffee, go to museums, just walk around. Normal things. Sadly, he is a creep and not normal. Exactly a week after they start "dating" we see him on Via Zamboni and he looks her in the face from 2 feet away and completely ignores her. WHAT?! Yeah so needless to say we dislike him. THEN, about three days ago I was walking around killing time until I needed to catch a bus and guess who i walk by...Marcello. We made awkward eye contact...bad idea. He creepily walks back towards me and uses the SAME lines AGAIN. I am slightly cold to him and call him out on having A. deleted me from fb (which i wasn't really upset by) B. dating and then hurting Jessy and C. i basically tell him to get lost because I have absolutely NO interest in meeting up with him. (he asked me to get coffee, for my number, and to be friends on fb... all in about 6 minutes) So, that is my Marcello story... hopefully the scumbag, creepy, sketch never crosses my path again (sorry I didn't do justice to his true personality and sorry I decided to share my true feelings... sorry I'm not sorry)

Phew, now that he is out of the way, time for legit people.

2. The Dutch Boys (Wouter, Frank, and Jeroen)- One night at the Irish Pub Jessy and I noticed that our other roommate Nathalie had been gone for a while so I went looking for her when I found her sitting with three really attractive guys. They asked me to sit down so I did and bam! New friends. Jeroen studies at Johns Hopkins in Bologna and Wouter and Frank were visiting for the weekend. Wouter studies in Belgium and I get to see him in March which is so exciting. Frank is still in Holland studying so I don't think I will get to see him again :( Although they were only here for three nights, we ended up seeing them all three nights :) Or at least I did. They are soooo funny and sweet. I am so glad I got to meet them. Oh, and their accents are awesome. "Gay or European?"

3. Luca, David, and the other Naples guy- We were chilling at Cafe Paris (our frequent hang out) when these three Italian guys invited us to sit with them and being my outgoing "let's make friends" self we did. Luca is working as a bouncer in Bologna and the other two were living and working here too. Luca was the only one who spoke any English which made conversing with them really interesting and complicated. They wanted us to meet up with them again at some point but unfortunely that hasn't happened yet. Oh well. BUT I did run into Luca at Soda Pops later in the month where his roommate, Neji, who speaks NO English decided I was the girl for him. Awkward.

4. Neji (Luca's Roommate)- So, after Soda Pops, and stupidly giving him my number, he kept texting me until I finally agreed to meet him for coffee. It actually wasn't that bad. Communicating was difficult but luckily he had an iphone with google translate. Sooo helpful. Anyway, after that I decided I didn't want to meet him again and he eventually stopped asking me. BUT then we saw him on Santa Stefano making out with this girl. haha. Glad he moved on because he wasn't going to get anything from me.

5. Luigi, Matteo, Marco, Lorenzo, Antonio- The other night at the Irish Pub (clearly a favorite of ours) we met these five Italian guys. We only talked for a little while but they seemed pretty cool and at least one of them plays soccer so hopefully we will become friends!

6. American Football Boys Gavin, Matt, Bill, Neil- Super attractive Jocks we met at the Irish Pub and have seen a few times. They play for the Doves in Bologna (an American Football team). Our group of girls from Dickinson may or may not have been obsessed with them for a while. However, from what we can tell they are only slightly stereotypical.

7. Matteo, Gianluca, Lorenzo, Jonas- Nicest guys ever. They are all Italian (as I am sure you could tell from their names) and we met the first two one night then BAM. New friends. We have hung out with a combination of the four of them several times and they are literally the sweetest guys we have met here. Most of them live outside Bologna in Ozzano but either work or attend school in Bologna. Matteo is a mechanical engineer working on getting a masters at unibo. Gianluca is an architect? Lorenzo is attending Unibo for information engineering and Jonas is working as a house measurer? Kind of like an architect. We don't exactly know. Anyway, I am sure we shall continue to be friends with them and hang out with them.

8. Ed- Mexican guy, lives in Kansas, all around awesome guy. He came to Bologna by himself, with no where to live, to study at Unibo. Impressive right? Yeah well he is that kind of person. Friendly, entertaining, fun to be around, etc. He is a philosophy and economics major who has the mind of a writer. I guarantee we will continue to be friends as we are really similar in weird ways. He went to the soccer game with us, we run into him everywhere, and he traveled to Ravenna on a whim with us. It is hard to write about him because you just need to meet him and have a three minute (if that) conversation with him to know how awesome he is. ANYWAY... I will probably mention him a few more times in my blogs :P

9. Daan, Voldemar (I can't spell sorry), Derek, and other California girls- Derek and the California girls are all American (duh) and came together although they don't all attend the same college. We have seen them a few times and they are super nice but I don't know when I will see them again. Daan and Voldemar are Dutch and German? guys we met through Ed. I am fairly certain there are a few more people I have met through him but I can't remember who they are for the life of me. Nina? I think was her name. She was Latvian? Lithuanian? Something like that. Sweet girl.

ANYWAY, I am sure I will blog about more people eventually and I know I am missing people I have met but this is a good chunk so far :)

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