Saturday, February 25, 2012

La Mia familgia italiano

Dickinson does this amazing program for Bologna students where we can choose to be paired with an Italian family and I received mine! They had me over this past Friday night for dinner. They live a little bit outside the city center so I took a bus for about half an hour then walked to their beautiful house.
The family is so sweet, and luckily they speak a little English. The mother, Paula, used to be an Italian professor for the Dickinson Center in Bologna and is now a manager for an Italian Bathing Suit company. The father, Stefano, is similar to an Environmental Engineer who works with making sure drinking water is safe to drink. Obviously with my dad being an Environmental Engineer we definitely bonded quickly. AND he has a small collection of historic hand guns as well as a few other really cool museum like objects. These include a Flemish painting of a wolf hunt and 2 vases from Imperial Rome (one for oil and one for wine). Anyway, the daughter, Victoria, is 13 and really really sweet. She takes hip hop dance, plays keyboard, and is really smart. Her English, although she barely speaks it, is pretty good. The son, Enrico/Professor Enrique, is 11 and in that I'm-too-cool-for-school phase. However, as the night went on he started to open up (I think it was the fact that I play video games and soccer). He plays soccer in the summer, plays keyboard, and his English is really good, although he refuses to use it unless we are studying Italian, which we did, a lot. Haha.

Dinner was delicious. The family followed the traditional Italian meal code (appetizer, prima, secondo, contento, dulce). We had proscuitto and crackers first, then amazing lasagna, then chicken with ham and cheese, then salad, and for dessert we had these powder sugared traditional fried dough things and chocolate covered oranges. Everything was sooo good.

The conversations were really wonderful too and as the night went on understanding one another was much easier. I can't wait until Monday when I get to do it all again. But I reallyyy need to study my Italian or Luis is going to kill me!

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