Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pre-flight thoughts

Clearly it's been a while since I wrote anything here... not to say that nothing has happened because believe me, much has.

But as I sit here at 11:30 at night waiting for the final coals in the fire to lose their bright red glow, I have the chance to think about why I am so sad, yet happy, to be going back to Italy tomorrow.

I am happy because, come on, it's Italy. But more than that, I have friends there. A life. A team. Family. Add on the culture, travel, food, adventure, opportunity and why would anyone be sad?

The weird thing is, my sadness at going back reflects my happiness. I am sad because my time is t-minus 2 months before I leave Italy for my next adventure. The friends that I have come to treasure will be said goodbye to without any knowledge of when we will meet again. The classmates that have been my comic relief and always constant fellow suffers will spread across the world to make a difference. The team I have come to understand both on and off the field will fade into hilarious whatsapp messages and occasional faces on facebook. The families that took me in and made me feel loved when I truly needed familial care will be hugged for possibly the last time. The city that has become my home will become a set of memories that I can only convince myself are real because of the pictures proving I was there.

And of course there are my exams the minute I return ;)

No but really. I am sad because I know that when I get on that plane tomorrow it will be the start of the final chapter in Bologna. Of course I know that I will have to go back to graduate. Of course the world is small and someday I will return if I so choose, but if this second chance in Bologna has taught me anything, it is that it's not about the place so much as the people that you meet there. I cannot express how much this experience has been shaped by those I met. From the old familiar faces to the newest ones, I will truly miss my Bologna family.

Well it seems as though the embers have faded and thus I can head up to my comfortable bed for one more night of rest before heading back to my second home.


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