Monday, February 3, 2014

Thanksgivukkah 2013

Holy Cow, I never posted about Thanksgiving, let alone the past three months... woops.

I guess better late than never right?

From November:

I forgot to mention that the Thanksgiving dinner I went to was also the second night of Hanukkah and so our feast included latkas, apple sauce and challah as well as the usually delicacies of Thanksgiving. As most of you, my random followers, know, I was having a really rough time of it for a while there. Thanksgiving was absolutely incredible. Here's how it unfolded...
Full Plate

Virginie, my roommate, and I pre-made two pumpkin pies and headed over to Ilana's apartment to see how we could help as well as put our pies in the oven. The group was quite eclectic. We had three Americans, a Canadian, a French girl, some Italians, and a Colombian girl. I feel as though I might be missing someone, but to be fair it's been a while. Anyway, Ilana and Alexa sang their Hanukkah songs, lit some candles, and we sat down and proceeded to explain how Americans do Thanksgiving to the others. They had asked us what went first, second, etc. and we all just laughed and said, "Fill up your plate with a little of everything, then dig in." Overall the night was super fun with lots of discussion and eating and eating and talking and eating. The pumpkin pie went over really well too!

Breaking the Wishbone
I'm not really sure what else to write... It was delicious, the company was wonderful, and we shared some American culture of food and family far from home with friends from all over.

 I am so thankful for Ilana and Alexa hosting. I am thankful for the delicious food and wonderful company that made being far from home during Thanksgiving much better. I am thankful for the friendships that have grown both because of and since that night. <3

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