Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pre-Gobble Gobble!

November 27, 2013.

It is such a strange feeling mentally knowing that tomorrow is Thanksgiving but atmospherically feeling like it's almost Christmas. I guess that is what happens when you live in Italy and Thanksgiving doesn't exist.

I almost don't know how to feel. I have six hours of class tomorrow as well as a tutoring session, which on a normal day is long day. BUT I also want to try and stream the parade or something during class (shh) or maybe somehow record/stream it later? Plus my neighbor is performing! I have to see it! Anyway, after six hours of class I am headed over to a second year GIOCA student's house (she went to Dickinson!!) and bringing my half constructed pies (yes pies. I am making two pumpkin pies! And Virginie helped with the crust :) so they can cook while we eat our feast. I am so glad that I have somewhere to have a real Thanksgiving. Without it I think I would be more homesick that I would like.

A tradition of Thanksgiving is sharing what you are thankful for. I am thankful that I get to have a Thanksgiving meal. I am thankful that so far my health is in a good place. I am thankful that I get to see Wouter in Bologna next week for the first time since we met. I am thankful to have Virginie as my new roommate. I am thankful that I have a family to miss so much. I am thankful for God's provision financially over the past month as well as his provision in those he has put into my life since I came back to Italy. AND I am thankful in general for the little things in my life that remind me that people love and care about me.

Now I will leave this post here but I promise (ish) to post after tomorrow to let you know how it goes!


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