Thursday, October 10, 2013

Just a Short Thank You

Wow. The amount of feedback I have received about my last post is simply astounding. I honestly just used the previous post to hash through and get out all of the jumbled thoughts that were clouding my head. I didn't realize how honest I was being, or how much that honesty would affect other people. The support and love that people have showed me in the last 24 hours has been so refreshing. Thank you. Thank you for your love and support and for following me in this blog journey of mine. I didn't think so many people, both close to me and distant, actually read what I wrote. So thank you. It encourages me to continue being open about what I am feeling. So often I shut down and hide away.  Getting lost in my world of books or television shows or what have you. The only times I am able to fully disclose what's going on inside me is when I write in a journal, which is usually for my eyes only. I don't like the ugly parts of me. The mental and emotional struggles that I sometimes encounter. Does anyone really? Anyway, thank you for your love and support. It means the world to me and if you continue down this journey with me, expressing your presence or not, I will continue to be true and honest.

Thank you <3

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