Friday, June 8, 2012


Amsterdam was surprisingly cool. Maybe it was because I went with a friend who knows the city (Wouter, yeah I know I saw him AGAIN?! crazy.) or maybe it is because Amsterdam is just an awesome place to go. It's beautiful even in the rain and has several canals. I don't know. I just liked it a lot.

So, after Bologna ended (sad) I headed to Belgium to stay with Andrej until I had to go to Milan for training for the English Camp I am currently working at. I had decided earlier to see if Wouter wanted to go to Amsterdam with me (otherwise I wasn't going to go because it wasn't one of my top choices) and when he (surprisingly) said he wanted to go I got super excited! The first day we were there we just walked around the city and it was absolutely beautiful out. I couldn't believe it.

Beautiful right?
We hung out in a park, took some pictures, saw some famous woman and her daughter, ate fish and chips (which rocked), saw the famous sign, went to the famous grocery store, and Wouter showed me all the fun facts about Amsterdam. Then we went to his friends house where we were staying and I met some of her friends. And I also got to see some old familiar faces :) Jeroen and Frank were there too! It was so nice to see them, to meet Jeroen's girlfriend (our host) and his cousin as well as some other Dutch people :) Oh and I do NOT speak any Dutch so, as I have come accustomed to doing, just read the way people said things when they weren't speaking English and tried my best to keep up. I actually like Dutch. (I say this about every language now I think...) When spoken "normally" it can be kind of beautiful. Not in the typical way, but in its own way. I want to learn it... ugh I want to learn every language.

The next morning we headed out to the Red Light District because we totally skipped it the night before, and at 10 am it's not too raunchy... although one guy said something very awkward to me... anyway, after that I said goodbye to Wouter and headed to the Van Gogh Museum and the Rijk's Museum both of which had really amazing collections. Then I went back to Belgium.

This post is terrible. I am sorry about that, but what made this trip great was the conversations and the atmosphere/city itself. That can't be captured in a post. If you want to hear more about it, ask :)

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