Anyway, I took the train to Trieste where I met Andrej and his dad and we drove through Slovenia (where my passport was stamped! YEAH!) and into Croatia. If the borders were as easy to cross into America... I don't even know what chaos would ensue... but now that I have gotten a little of topic (at least in my brain) lets continue. So Andrej's dad dropped us off where Andrej grew up and we met up with his mom and her husband. I also met his mom's parents who live in the downstairs of the house. Andrej's grandfather (who speaks Croatian, German, English, and Italian) started talking to me in Italian... I failed miserably but it's ok. Oh and his wife speaks Russian and Croatian. Impressive right? After a brief time together Andrej's parents headed to their house and Andrej and I passed out (ok we talked and stuff until like 3 but that's ok).
yeah you know that looks great |
The original plan involved swimming and hiking but due to the time, freezing temperature of the water, and purely wanting to soak in the atmosphere, we ended but just hanging out in the actual city of Cres. Basically we laid around on the beach, did some gymnastics (rather I did some handstands and cartwheels), and got some yummy ice cream bars (and mine definitely won the best ice cream of the two award) before taking the ferry back to Rijeka. I think this was the night we decided to watch a movie... and choose the Hangover because neither of us had seen it. No offense to anyone who likes that movie but it is horrible...
Now this next day was unreal, but before I get to the main place we went I want to throw in that we headed inland from the sea and bam! Mountains! Beautiful, tall, mountains. On the way to our main objective of the day, we stopped at this cute little cabin to have lunch with Andrej's dad's parents. They speak no English, no Italian, only Croatian... let's just say poor Andrej became the translator. However, we were still able to communicate fairly well. His grandmother even remembered me from when she came the America to take care of Andrej while his parents were away. Weird right? They were so sweet though.
NOW for the main attraction of the day: Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera (or in english Plitvice Lakes National Park). This place is so incredibly beautiful. Take the rainforest feel of Costa Rica and mix that with the Mediterranean and perfectly clear water, waterfalls everywhere, and rainbows and that's sort of like what this place is like. I originally found out about it from this list of 40 places you have to see before you die (Number 16 And for some more visuals...
I would recommend that anyone who can get here, GO. It is so cool. You walk around, under, and along the waterfalls (that are literally everywhere) on these flattened wood log walkways, some of which are covered in water. Oh! And the water is completely clear. It almost looks like there isn't any. For more pictures go on Facebook. I have so many.
Here is the website to the park. Check it out!
When we got back to Rijeka from the epic day in the National Park, we stopped and got some food (some stew thingy which was really good). Then we called it a night.
I seriously loved Croatia and by the end I understand why people don't want to work their. It's just too beautiful to do work! I was also learning a lot of the language pretty quickly although I am always so afraid of pronouncing things wrong... but hey it's ok. I'll get there. Now I need to convince my family to go visit :)
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