Friday, April 13, 2012

Freezing Time

Lago di Como. The place is a fairytale, a mythical place, a fantasy. Seriously it can't exist. I'm not going to do my usual play by play but rather try to help you experience what I did. Yeah Andrej and I rented a car, drove to Lago di Como (which is by Switzerland), walked along the lake, and climbed a mountain before heading back to Bologna but that literally explains the day. What I want to remember and convey is the feeling of absolute bliss while being next to the lake just sitting and soaking it in and then being on top of the mountain looking down on that same area from a whole new perspective.

By the lake... it was soo chilly. Three layers wasn't enough. But in the sun, you were just balanced enough to feel completely at ease, completely comfortable. That combined with the breeze and the sound of the water lapping up against the concrete of the city was enough to make you want to just not move for hours. I seriously could have napped. It is an interesting contrast though, the peaceful qualities of the lake with a view that was indescribable. A lake, with cities/towns on the shore, with mountains behind them, and even higher the Alps snow capped. It was literally like being in Lord of the Rings or something. Those kind of places don't exist. Or do they? Then, when you remove yourself from the direct coastline of the lake (coastline? shoreline? lakeline? I don't know...) it is a cute little town with people going about their daily routines as if that fantastic view didn't exist. It's like living at a resort. On a much bigger scale, combined with a Mediterranean feel, it sort of reminded me of Camp in the Adirondacks, but at the same time so completely 180 degrees opposite. Okay, imagine this. Mediterranean style houses and people on a very big lake (so the water is fresh water and more affected by slight changes in the weather) surrounded by cliffs that are surrounded by the Alps. What? Yeah imagine that.

On top of the mountain... after much steep climbing, some sneak views, and taking off those layers that were so necessary by the water, we stopped at a point supposedly 20 minutes from the Refuge we were climbing to. That is where the first awe inspiring view occurred (currently my profile picture). We both needed some energy (aka water and food as we hadn't eaten in a while) so we had some water and both grabbed an apple (prepared we were!). Then we took a nice little nap, on a mountain, looking down on that same little town we had been a few hours earlier, but whenever we opened our eyes, we were looking down on the entire valley, lake, and surrounding area. It looked almost like a painting. If you want a slight feeling of looking down on the world like a bird listen to this ( while you continue reading. It kind of does the job especially since the next part is at the Refuge looking down and trying to explain the feeling that created.

From the Refuge at the top... Imagine looking down on everything you know to be moving and bursting with life and seeing it come to a complete stop. Literally, no movement, not even a breath. Everything is silent, frozen in a moment, a moment that you don't want to end. Then look around. It looks like a painting except more beautiful. Like a picture except even more vivid. Look down the steep path you just climbed for two hours. Look down at the church on the hill that was another recommended hike (less advanced and shorter) and see that it is now smaller than your picky finger when your arm is completely outstretched from your body. Then look a little to the right and see boats trying to cross the lake, seemingly frozen. You can see where the lake splits into two different sections and you can even see the end of the far section (some reference of the lake: we were in Menaggio). Oh but wait. That's just looking down. Look out and see the Alps more clearly, a passage to a hidden village behind one of the mountains, and villages hit up the cliffs around the lake. How did someone build a house so high up? Turn around. See the Refuge, a small hut for hikers to rest at. The little water fountain out of a rock. The small balcony to just soak in the view. See that you aren't even at the highest point. That behind you raise up cliffs more steep and jagged than the ones you already ascended. One day. Now that is just what you see. Listen. Silence. The slight breeze. Maybe a bird, but even the birds aren't so present this high up. Take a deep breath. Inhale the purest air you have ever experienced. Fill your lungs. Feel how it soothes your entire body. All your tiredness completely disappears. Feel the sun start to set behind you, although you know you have at least two hours before the town below says goodnight to the sun. Close your eyes and just think, "This must be what God felt like when He was creating the Universe" Except He saw the whole world, not just a lake in the mountains. Can you imagine? I am sorry I didn't do justice to the incredible creation that He made in explaining it to you. Guess you just have to go climb that mountain and see for yourself.

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