Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Breaking My Heart

Recently, there have been several articles going around about the Bill Nye vs Ken Ham debate of evolution vs creationism. 

The one I am going to respond to is this one:

Now, I am starting to get extremely frustrated. With everyone. All sides of the argument. Because in fact it is still an argument. No one was at the beginning of life on earth. I may believe one thing and whole heartedly believe that view to be fact, however, I don't go around saying to the other side, "because you disagree, your argument is not legitimate. You are dumb. Do you know nothing? Etc." Yet for some reason, that's all I see people doing. Whether it is the creationists saying that evolutionists have no proof or it's evolutionists saying that creationists "did not even bother to retain the most general knowledge concerning scientific theory because of their beliefs" (that is an actual comment on the buzzfeed posted above. 


Both sides have legitimate reasons for their beliefs. Yes, they are both beliefs. Neither can be stated as fact, because were you there? I think not.

But there is only proof for one! But there is no proof for the other! 

Come on.

I personally loved doing research on both sides when I was in high school. I found proof that supported creationism and I found proof that supported evolution. These people in this blog have EVERY RIGHT to express their doubts, questions, concerns, etc. And yes the people in the comments have every right to answer back. It's the way in which both sides are going about it that is breaking my heart.

Today, all I hear, everywhere is that we need to be open-minded. We need to support people in their decisions and their lifestyles and in who they are. However, there is a fundamental issue that keeps popping up in most of the posts I see on a daily basis (whether regarding creationism/evolution, homosexuality/heterosexuality, religion, race, gender, etc.):

In most of these cases, its not just an argument over human rights or the creation of the world or equality, it is a struggle between two (or more) core values of the different sides. What I mean by this is that we hear daily that we need to be open-minded, however, we attack those who don't support the opposite side.


When you talk to an evolutionist, their core being, their core beliefs, and their knowledge, research, what have you, has created a center in them that sees evolution as fact. Whether right or wrong. It is at the center of who they are. Therefore, when someone tells them that they are wrong, it feels like an attack on them, on "science" (I put this in quotes because it is still a theory, as evolution cannot be concretely, definitively, and undoubtedly proven. No human has been around long enough to see it occur. No one was there at the Big Bang whether is what exploding particles or God speaking it into creation), on everything they believe to be truth, fact, solid, etc.

Then, you have the creationists. At their core is most of the time a belief in God, in the creation of the world (whether that is in 7, 24 hour days, or 7, 1000 year days),  in religion, etc. Therefore, at the very center of who they are, they believe, without doubt, that God created the universe and in many cases that evolution (all other forms of evolution except microevolution=minor changes in individual species to adapt to their environment, ex: the changing over several generations of a foxes' skin/fur color to blend in with snow or desert) is untrue and that creationism is fact. However, just as with evolution, creationism is a theory, for the same reasons as mentioned above. Both sides involve a belief that something occurred.

Anyway, I digress. I am sick of people calling those who have different core and central fundamental beliefs intolerant, bigoted, miss informed, stupid, heartless, uneducated, etc. In most cases, they do not hate the opposite side. They simply disagree. We preach accepting all people, people of different, well everything, people with different core values/beliefs, people with different political views, different sexual orientations, people with different views on science, people with different genders, races, etc. However, all I see now is acceptance of those who support everything. How is it possible to support everything? When we have so many different core beings in people, how can we ask them to support something completely contradictory to them? How can we ask them to say that they agree with something even if they don't? But above all else, if we are aiming for acceptance of everyone's every things, how can we not accept those who disagree with us? Even if we believe they are in the wrong? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, unless it is different than our own. Unless we think they are unintelligent, miss informed, clueless, wrong...


I am tired of evolutionists calling creationists uneducated. I am tired of liberals calling conservatives unsupportive and heartless. I am tired of creationists calling evolutionists proof-less. I am tired of conservatives calling liberals socialist. I am tired of the way we as human beings are treating other human beings. I am tired of hearing people preach about equality only to have those who disagree with particular choices in life told that they are wrong (because everything we act on is a choice. Whether you act on your vices or you choose to support something you know is wrong or right or you decide that you want to experiment with who you are or whatever. Everything we physically do is a choice. I don't care if you internally/emotionally/mentally feel something, if you act on that feeling, it's a choice). I am tired of feeling like to say any opinion involves walking on eggshells because God forbid I say something insensitive or that doesn't jive with the majority at the moment. I am tired of feeling like I can't have my own opinion. I am tired of seeing people needlessly fight over issues that will always be a fight, because like I said, we are dealing with peoples' core values, which are not something easily changed. I am tired of feeling offended, attacked, slapped, bombarded, etc. I am tired of feeling like I have to hide my thoughts, my feelings, my observations. I am tired of people not loving one another for who they are regardless of the differences between us all. I am tired of having to choose sides, because choosing sides means that everyone loses.


This post may hint at my core, at my beliefs, at my opinions, etc. But honestly, I just needed to vent, without judgement, because I am tired of the judgement. I believe in love. I believe in its power to heal the deep cut wounds that these controversies have caused. I believe it has unique power to overcome.

I believe that this can get better. I just hope that others do too.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Thanksgivukkah 2013

Holy Cow, I never posted about Thanksgiving, let alone the past three months... woops.

I guess better late than never right?

From November:

I forgot to mention that the Thanksgiving dinner I went to was also the second night of Hanukkah and so our feast included latkas, apple sauce and challah as well as the usually delicacies of Thanksgiving. As most of you, my random followers, know, I was having a really rough time of it for a while there. Thanksgiving was absolutely incredible. Here's how it unfolded...
Full Plate

Virginie, my roommate, and I pre-made two pumpkin pies and headed over to Ilana's apartment to see how we could help as well as put our pies in the oven. The group was quite eclectic. We had three Americans, a Canadian, a French girl, some Italians, and a Colombian girl. I feel as though I might be missing someone, but to be fair it's been a while. Anyway, Ilana and Alexa sang their Hanukkah songs, lit some candles, and we sat down and proceeded to explain how Americans do Thanksgiving to the others. They had asked us what went first, second, etc. and we all just laughed and said, "Fill up your plate with a little of everything, then dig in." Overall the night was super fun with lots of discussion and eating and eating and talking and eating. The pumpkin pie went over really well too!

Breaking the Wishbone
I'm not really sure what else to write... It was delicious, the company was wonderful, and we shared some American culture of food and family far from home with friends from all over.

 I am so thankful for Ilana and Alexa hosting. I am thankful for the delicious food and wonderful company that made being far from home during Thanksgiving much better. I am thankful for the friendships that have grown both because of and since that night. <3