Friday, November 9, 2012

We are the tasters, the very bad tasters!

My camp in Milan just ended which is really sad. I know the kids could drive me up a wall sometimes but I love them so much and could see they learned a lot. I am truly sad that I will be leaving tomorrow for Bologna and Monday for America after what 6 months?! AHH!

Last night, the other tutors and I went to this place in Sesto called Carroponte (spelled wrong...) which used to be an industrial hanger and has been converted into an outside stage. It was so incredibly cool! People just hung around in hammocks and drank and listened to music. It was so cool. We stayed literally until they kicked us out, shared some laughs, did some handstands in skirts, and just literally got to know each other better. It was seriously the coolest hang out place I have seen in Italy.

One of the other nights, which is now fuzzy in my head as it has been a while, we went to this diner style bar called Blow. We played Taboo and drank delicious banana coconut drinks. We were so obviously not Italian haha. Luckily this place was in Sesto and much easier to get to and from. I miss those tutors. I see Tania sometimes around campus but we haven't really caught up lately :( Oh well, it'll happen eventually.

Oh! So we did this play with the kids (hence the title of this post) that we wrote about chefs, tasters, and princesses. Davide's dad made me a copy of it which is great because whenever I want to see my kids I can just pop it in my computer and watch. Ask me to show you it. Because it is so cute.

This post was meant to be posted/finished months ago but I guess late is better than never!

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