Sunday, July 1, 2012

As it draws towards a close...

I was so hating on Bologna for a while. That one post I had where I listed why I hate cities... yeah well I guess because it's now beautiful out and fun to wander around the city, I have decided I am actually going to miss it here. I mean, it can never replace how much I love grass and nature and whatnot but there is a culture and a freedom that I will absolutely miss. I wanted to write a post reflecting on my experience here. Things I have learned about the world, about Europe, about people, about America, about myself... but I feel like that's more of a conversation. I might touch on some of it but we will see. I apologize for the incoherent babble that is about to take place... welcome to the wonderful world of Heather's brain...

May 25- Literally I am sitting on my couch with the windows open and there is an accordion playing and a random trumpet jumping in occasionally... what is my life?! I will miss this. The city finally gains some life and we are leaving? How is that fair? Granted I shouldn't complain... I am in Europe for another month... but still! I am not ready to say goodbye to this place, this food, these people! All I know is that I want to come back. To Europe at the very least, but there is just something infectious about the Italians. Their passion and their love of life is beautiful. It isn't just them though. I mean I found that in the Croatians, Belgians, and Irish as well.

June 16- I left Bologna a little over 2 weeks ago and have spent the time since in Belgium, Amsterdam, and Milan. Being in Milan has been a strange experience because I only speak English with the kids but they speak Italian to me so my understanding continues to grow while my speaking stays the same, or even decreases a little. I don't want to leave but this job is so tiring. In a good way though. And I may even be staying a little longer as I might Au Pair... :)

June 19- Okay scratch the Au pair thing... I decided I wanted to see people and play soccer for the summer. Plus the family I wanted needs me the end of July which means I wouldn't go home... sad. Maybe I could come back? I haven't even left and I am talking about coming back... think I am hooked? Yes.

July 1- Back in America, spent one day in Jersey, headed to Creation, back to Jersey today and tomorrow to Cape Cod... it's so weird to be back. Surrounded by English, not having to translate in my head before asking something (which I keep doing...), and not actually being home yet... so tired. Time to finally post this one!